Read more about how to get a girlfriend here.
So, just follow along and note down what you have to do, step by step, to get that girl, whether she’s the one you’ve been dreaming of for years or you haven’t even met her yet. You want more?
Don’t assume anything and don’t tell her she “should” do anything. It’s not about being in the friend zone, it’s about showing you care. But when it comes to getting girls to fall head over heels in love, all a guy really needs to do is show his lady friend that he really cares about her. A lot of guys try to talk themselves up so they’re “worthy” to pick up the girl they’re on a date with.
Just invite her for the sake of spending more time with her. Of course, if the situation leads to sex it’s great but don’t push it!
Call her and try to see her once or twice a week. If she continues to accept your requests and you have gone on several dates, you can begin to talk to her about what a relationship means to her. Different girls will have different ideas of what a relationship is, what they want in a relationship and even whether they want a relationship.
Help her out with the regular everyday stuff. Sometimes she’s going to need help with things you can’t (immediately) throw your wallet at. Doing the dishes, tidying up the bed, or offering to clean up the mess the dog just made (and then doing it) will show her that you truly care, and she will love you more for it. One of the easiest ways on how to make your girlfriend love you more is taking a trip, every now and then. Plan an outing, and not just with your best mates.
I know, it’s a big step, but it’s a crucial one. It’s much easier to meet people when you leave your house. Yet, for the most part when you meet a woman, if you want her to be your girlfriend, then get to a first kiss, have sex with her, start dating and you’ll naturally get into a relationship with her. Before you actively search for a relationship, you must first be comfortable within yourself. Self assurance and self sufficiency are very attractive qualities in a guy and it is important that you don’t come across as desperate for a girlfriend.
You aren’t going to find someone who matches you perfectly. That’s nearly impossible. At the end of the day, it’s about having someone who you enjoy spending time with, and who challenges you.
A kiss can build or break a relationship. “Women say they can tell if a relationship is going to work after the first kiss, after the first night of kissing, they just get a feeling, an intuition. You’d think this one should be a no-brainer, but it’s not.
That’s why we have so many guys contacting us… wanting to learn how to girl a girlfriend. I’m not saying the girl you meet will end up being there for the rest of your life. But if there’s something there, you owe it to the both of you to explore the possibility of an extraordinary relationship.
Step by Step Guide To How To Get A Girlfriend For Men